is the first exhibit of a large, three-part series visually conceptualized by the artist , entitled “Of the Fallen”.  Seen in “Légendes de mon Acadie”, the series begins with the subjective account of the human’s experience of trying to understand the innate human need to believe in something higher and more encompassing than the individual experience within reality and the world; and the questions brought about by this instinct:  if there is something bigger than ourselves, is there such a thing as its opponent?  Is the question of good and evil one of human morality, or does it relate to another part of the grand design of life that is of another nature?  Overall, “Of the Fallen” is a study on the artist’s great preoccupation, not only as a curious and analytical thinker, but also as a paranormal investigator – is there more than life we can find with our senses in this reality, or is there more to it?


Paul Edouard Bourque (translations/traductions); Raymonde Savoie (translations/traductions); Université de Moncton – Centre d’études acadiennes (research/recherche)

Just like a re-composed image of a beautiful landscape, the stories and legends passed down from our cultural heritage are both filled with accuracy and the beauty of our ancestors’ imagination.  I have long been obsessed with the most mysterious tales from our acadian storytellers, the accounts of that which is unexplained:  the ghosts, the witches, the werewolves, the demons… and everything in between.  With the stories that many have told me, I’ve found my own way to speak.  In this series of six legends, I tell the fables based on the story I, myself, documented (and sometimes experienced), and speak it again from the viewpoint of Colette Savoie, my grandmother whose family heritage truly included the traditional skill of fortune telling.  Colette, the imagined character, is the voice of these authentic Acadian legends, each appropriated to a region of Acadia:  Bouctouche, Ste-Anne-de-Kent, Kouchibougouac, Richibouctou, Shediac, and Memramcook.  The visual representations displayed encompass the scenic and breathtaking beauty of these locations, and within it, a portion of the legend is visually integrated.  These legends, in their totality, will be published in 2018.

“Légendes de mon Acadie” est la première d’une série de trois expositions individuelles de l’artiste Rebecca Belliveau; une trilogie qui s’intitule  “De ceux tombés”(“Of the Fallen”). Cette première série de la trilogie s’anime autour d’un rapportage subjectif visé sur l’expérience humaine, et sur la compréhension d’un besoin de croire dans quelque chose de supérieur et de plus vaste que l’aspect physique de notre monde. La question ainsi engendrée: Y a t-il quelque chose de plus grand que nous, et pouvons nous alors supposer l’existence de son opposé?

Cette question éternelle, gravitant autour du bien et du mal, en est-elle une de morale humaine, ou cherche elle ses réponses dans une autre schéma métaphysique plus vaste?

Globalement, “De ceux tombés”(“Of the Fallen”)  exprime les préoccupations qu’a l’artiste non seulement comme penseure analytique, mais aussi comme investigateure paranormale. Existe-t-il plus que l’ensemble de nos expériences sensuelles du monde, et pouvons-nous voguer au-delà des paramètres physiques qui définissent notre réalité?

Tout comme la recomposition, belle et agréable, d’un paysage quelconque; ces histoires et légendes, transmises par notre baggage culturel, sont remplies d’exactitudes rehausées par l’imaginaire de nos ancêtres. Rebecca Belliveau se dit fascinée par les raconteurs acadiens et d’autant plus par leurs histoires les plus mystérieuses. Ces raconteurs souvent inventent des personnages tels que revenants, esprits, fantômes, sorcières, loup-garous et démons de toutes espèces. L’artiste “apprend” sa voix par le biais de ces histoires.

Dans cette série de sept légendes, elle nous propose ces fables choisies d’après les histoires de Colette Savoie, sa Grand-Mère, et aussi tireuse de cartes. Colette, dans ce contexte un personnage imaginaire, devient la voix pour ces légendes acadiennes, chacune étant propre à une région particulière de l’Acadie: Bouctouche, Sainte-Anne-de-Kent, Kouchibougouac, Richibouctou, Shediac, et Memramcook. Les réalisations visuelles ici en montre accentuent la grande beauté de ces lieux, et dans chacune des oeuvres une partie de chaque légende est visuellement intégrée. Ces légendes, dans leur intégrale, seront publiées et disponibles pour visionnement publique à partir de 2018.



“The Carnaval Red” series evolved from the last body of work (“Persona”, based on psychologist Carl Jung’s theory of personality archetypes). It is a reflection on the social masks we have created in our everyday lives based upon generations of habits and beliefs on what is right and what is wrong, and what we determine should be shown and what should be hidden from others.  It speaks of our integration of superficiality with human nature, and how this reconstructed nature has formed us over time – for better and for worse.  This series is a reflection not only on who we really are versus who we have created/evolved ourselves to be, but also a deeper questioning of what human nature truly is, and the differences between the human animal and those in the wild.  Who are we?  What, if anything, sets us apart from other life on this planet?


PERSONA (2010-2012)

“Persona” is born of the artist’s reflection on the hidden parts of the self, and the facet of our personalities we display, as well as the relationship between the human consciousness and spiritual instinct.  It is based on readings and personal studies of famed psychologist Carl Gustav Jung’s study of the psyche, specifically that of the Jungian archetypes. What we see are digitally altered photographic images integrated with mixed media painting, revealing distorted and dreamlike images of people and landscapes. Written words from her poems are fit into the painting in a collage fashion